This story started last year when I won 2 tickets to watch manchester utd play Wigan Athletic Football Club, from Barclays Bank (boo!). My Nephew
Declan was over the moon as he supports man utd, but don't ask me why?

Michael, another Nephew phoned to ask if I would be his Confirmation Sponsor, "I would be honoured" said I. When I got off the phone I thought to myself, '20th of November(date of the Confirmation), why does that date ring in my head?' Yes it was the day of the match! So as none of the Family could go, God & Family are more important than football(well it wasn't a Cardiff game), I tried to give away the tickets. All to no avail, I telephoned Barclays Bank(boo!), "you cannot change them", in desperation I phoned man utd and asked them if there was a local children's home from which they could let a couple of kids have my seats, too late, no way! So there you have it,
Michael has one of those unused tickets and Tom, Brother-in-law of
Conor has the other one! But there's more, as some comedian used to say. I then won 2 tickets to see Aston Villa play Newcastle United, scheduled for Saturday 9th April. Nephew Conor supports Villa so off we go!

Well not quite, as Madeleine, Conor's Wife was expecting their first baby on the 12th April. He said not to worry, but I told him the baby would be early and we would miss the game. I in fact told him that the Baptism would be on the day of the match as that would stop the whole Family going. He said, "Not so, as no matter what the Baptism will be on a Sunday afternoon!" Because of sky television the game was moved to Sunday!
Felicity was born early and the Baptism, as I said took place at almost the same time as the match!

(John Smeaton got a better
photo) I tried to give away the tickets, all to no avail. I did not bother to telephone Barclays Bank(boo!). In desperation I phoned Aston Villa and asked them if there was a local children's home from which they could let a couple of kids have my seats, too late, no way! So my Wife said, "Twice now, it is clearly a sign from God about Football!" I'm sure she's right, God is clearly a Cardiff City supporter and does not want me to waste my time winning tickets to see other clubs! Go City, Go!
1 comment:
I did indeed say that God was trying to tell you something about football. If you haven't learnt it yet he will probably have to do something like let you win Cardiff City tickets on your tenth wedding anniversary or something. Oh but that's gone hasn't it? Well dish it all, I mean dash it all. What a storm in a tea-set, i mean cup. God doesn't support any football team. He only follows the Hurling. Ur Wife
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