"Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say I am? Simon Peter answered, and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."
~ The holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew
Join Juventutem London for Mass this Friday, 29th June, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Bishop Alan Hopes will be celebrating a Pontifical High Mass. [See here for video of the Bishop]
Friday, 29th June, 6.45pm
Saint Mary Moorfields Catholic Church, 4-5 Eldon Street, London, EC2M 7LS
Music will be provided by Cantus Magnus and the Juventutem London Schola.
Coronation Mass Mozart
Tu es Petrus Clemens non Papa
Ave verum Corpus Mozart
O sacrum convivium Messiaen
Gregorian chant propers
After Mass there will be a social downstairs for those aged 18-35 with an exception for priests and religious.
The Mass is, of course, open to anyone of any age. It is only the social events that are designed for 18-35 year olds.
This Mass and all our monthly Masses are offered for the work of The Good Counsel Network, a pro-life pregnancy centre that reaches out to mothers in desperate need of support, who would otherwise feel they have no other option than to have an abortion. Their work is founded on prayer and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
If you plan on coming to the social please RSVP either by emailing me, or by clicking 'Attending' on our Facebook event page.
Please let others know about this Mass by forwarding a link to this post, by inviting your friends on Facebook or by word of mouth.
~ The holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew
Join Juventutem London for Mass this Friday, 29th June, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Bishop Alan Hopes will be celebrating a Pontifical High Mass. [See here for video of the Bishop]
Friday, 29th June, 6.45pm
Saint Mary Moorfields Catholic Church, 4-5 Eldon Street, London, EC2M 7LS
Music will be provided by Cantus Magnus and the Juventutem London Schola.
Coronation Mass Mozart
Tu es Petrus Clemens non Papa
Ave verum Corpus Mozart
O sacrum convivium Messiaen
Gregorian chant propers
After Mass there will be a social downstairs for those aged 18-35 with an exception for priests and religious.
The Mass is, of course, open to anyone of any age. It is only the social events that are designed for 18-35 year olds.
This Mass and all our monthly Masses are offered for the work of The Good Counsel Network, a pro-life pregnancy centre that reaches out to mothers in desperate need of support, who would otherwise feel they have no other option than to have an abortion. Their work is founded on prayer and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
If you plan on coming to the social please RSVP either by emailing me, or by clicking 'Attending' on our Facebook event page.
Please let others know about this Mass by forwarding a link to this post, by inviting your friends on Facebook or by word of mouth.