Yes, ten years ago today my wonderful, beautiful Wife married me at St James' Spanish Place. It is hard to believe that she said yes in the first place and even harder to believe that she showed up at the Church. Father Hugh Thwaites, who will be on EWTN (sky 589 or online http://www.ewtn.co.uk/) at 8pm 20th or 11am 23rd February, was the Priest. The Latin Mass Society served along with our nephew Conor & his friend Daniel. The choir was made up of Ferdi & Robert of the St Austin's Review. Gaelle & Johanna were quite young bridesmaids at the time so we will say very little about upside down flowers etc.
(My Wife is on the right of the photo)
Congratulations and prayers for you both.
Congratulations to you both!
Peter Rhodes
They were only upside down for 2 or 3 photos!!!!!
Besides it was mostly Joh, and at least we didn't ruin the Mass!!!!
P.s Congrats!!!!
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