"Because his career was ended prematurely by his September 1955 death in an automobile accident, James Dean appeared in only seven films (playing uncredited roles in four of them). Despite the brevity of his career however, Dean received two Academy Award nominations as Best Actor and became an icon of rebellion for American teens, not only of the 1950s, but for generations since as well."
Well the first of those four uncredited roles was in Hill Number One, a short 60 minute film. The Korean War, and the battles that ensue, are correlated to Christ's Crucifixion on Golgotha; a dramatic re-mix of biblical and historical elements. It will be on EWTN (sky 589 or online) Sunday 27th February at 7pm, Tuesday 1st March 8am, Wednesday 2nd March 3pm or Friday 5th March at 3am.
Most of my Family will not watch EWTN, but they may tune in to see James Dean. So tell your non-catholic friends and Family. ;)
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