Chesterton Knew The Importance of Ecumenical Dialogue

Chesterton Knew The Importance of Ecumenical Dialogue

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Fight Back Against Anti-Christian Attacks, in a small way.

I saw an article online that said that 'Anarchists' had defaced a statue of St Boniface in Devon with anti-Christian graffiti. They wrote "God is Dead". I've noticed lots of other anti-Christian attacks all over the place. Churches burned or vandalised, statues attacked in lots of different ways in many different locations. Priests attacked and even killed while saying Mass. I'm sure that this is not new.

I can't protect every Church and religious statue in the world or even locally, but I can do something. Look around you next time you are out and about,

on a bus or train, in a coffee shop or better still a book shop [second-hand]. How many of the people that you see are obviously Christian? Sometimes you may spot a Priest or a Religious Sister, or see someone carrying/reading The Bible or some other religious book. I've seen people carrying small religious statues with them and even saw a chap 25 years ago walking around Kensington, West London, with an six foot white wooden cross over his shoulder. 

It was Friedrich Nietzsche, who died 25th August 1900, who famously said that, 'God is Dead'. I went and bought a small badge making machine. I shall be wearing a 'God's Not Dead' badge each year on the 25th August and again on 15th October, Nietzsche's Birthday. I've also made some other badges that may be a bit less 'boom!' I'm sure there are times when I won't be wearing a Christian badge, but there are lots of times when we all could. I'm selling some here. By all means, get a big wooden cross instead, or buy a badge or t-shirt from someone else, but wear something when you can.

Today is the anniversary of the death of St Therese, her Feast Day is 1st October [3rd October in the Old Rite] and I have seen one of her statues vandalised, so these badges are also available.

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