I'm reading Still Dead, one of six detective books by Mgr Ronald A Knox*. I've read, three others, The Viaduct Murder, The Footsteps at the Lock and The Three Taps & have a copy of Double Cross Purposes. That just leaves me 'needing' The Body in the Silo**. I wouldn't pay $200 for the only copy on sale via the internet, even if I had that much money.
I could of course buy a copy of 'Der Tote im Silo. Kriminalroman - Knox, Ronald' for $4.06 plus shipping: $20.35! But as German is not even in my top five of languages to learn, I think I'll give that a miss. (What? Oh, Latin, Ancient Greek, Welsh, Anglo-Saxon & Elvish)
So that just means that if you have a copy, I'd like to help you become detached from worldly things by relieving you of said book.
*Mgr Ronald A. Knox when not working on these very important detective stories, wrote some other interesting books and for light relief he translated the Bible.
So that just means that if you have a copy, I'd like to help you become detached from worldly things by relieving you of said book.
*Mgr Ronald A. Knox when not working on these very important detective stories, wrote some other interesting books and for light relief he translated the Bible.
**Published 1933 and 1958, so go and ask some older people!
"For you Tommy ze book ist over" - gerfreiter Hans Kuppenhagel, 1916.
p.s. Elvish has left the building.
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