Well I'm quite large! So we loaded up the coach in London and 45 minutes latter we were there, at the Grave of the great man himself. We all said the Prayer for the Beatification of GK Chesterton and then went for lunch. I pushed the crowds away from the grave ("move back you two") first to take a photo of my son.
What Chesterton and his friend Belloc would have thought of lunch is beyond me. 75% of us are Pioneers so we don't drink alcohol and the other 25% of the people on the Pilgrimage had only just turned four, and so were lucky to be in the pub at all! Down with teetotalism up the Pioneers!
We then moved onto St Teresa's Catholic Church, GKC's Parish, only to find the front doors locked, which should have been open and the side door which should have been locked, open! So we pushed a few things that blocked the door out of the way and we were in! Very nice, do see the website for photos and details. We said the prayer again, in front of the Statue of Mary given to the Church by GKC himself. We let Fr Higgins, the PP know about the doors before we left. I sure Chesterton wrote about a Higgins, must look that up sometime.
Next years Pilgrimage will take place on Thursday 14th June, the 76th Anniversary the the death of Gilbert Kieth Chesterton. Anyone interested in walking there from Campden Hill, Kensington, London, should let me know. We will hopefully have Mass (High?).
I became a Catholic at least partly thanks to GKC.
And me
Sort of me too. Found it again anyway. ;-) Read The Flying Inn. Cheese and Beer is what you need.
Good of you to step up as the first volunteer for next years walking Pilgrimage from Campden Hill to Beaconsfield. Yes you can bring Cheese and Beer! Will arrange the start time with you latter. Me? Think I'll be driving the support vehicle with the supplies, wouldn't want the beer to get cold! I've got a pound, lets go.
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