Paul Smeaton talked about going to visit seven Altars of Repose with the Juventutem group on Holy Thursday, they made it to five. My son who is not yet four made it to two!

Paul only managed to take one photo due to not charging his camera. I took the above photo just before Mass (Old Rite) on Holy Thursday at St Mary Moorfields, but could I turn the flash off? Not a chance! So although my phone was charged the next photo was taken at the end of Good Friday.

Paul only managed to take one photo due to not charging his camera. I took the above photo just before Mass (Old Rite) on Holy Thursday at St Mary Moorfields, but could I turn the flash off? Not a chance! So although my phone was charged the next photo was taken at the end of Good Friday.
1 comment:
...could I turn the flash off? Not a chance! So although my phone was charged the next photo was taken at the end of Good Friday.
Can I thank you for this sign of consideration on your part? There is nothing so irritating as seeing the flash go off as people take photos. With digital cameras now, there is really no need to use the flash - the surroundings are usually light enough anyway! I take a lot of photos at various Masses, and I am always careful to ensure that the flash is off and so is the sound...
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