I have know John slightly for a number of years, but don't think I have seen him in a tie before. Here is a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OY5DUuYDpo) of him speaking in Father Stephen Boyle's great Parish way down south in New Addington. After typing this I found a copy of his book, From Gangland to Promised Land, in a local charity shop, the updated 2008 edition no less. I think I would be right in saying that his book has sold more copies that Gordon Brown & Mrs Blair's books put together! To get a copy see, www.johnpridmore.com
40 Days to Give So Others Might Live This Lent
We are called Pray, Fast and Give Alms in Lent. This year, the money you
save in Lent could help us to offer women the help they need to keep their
11 months ago
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